Monday, August 6, 2007

The Hunter and the Hunted

The attack was perfectly planned. Use the giant brown paper bag as a place to hide and watch for unsuspecting prey. Although the attacker was a bit wobbly on his five week old legs, he had the determination of an adult.

While patience could never be called a kitten virtue, this was a play time issue and he would persevere and maintain with the vigilance of an Army scout.

A peek around the corner proved little had changed, but he knew his foe would take the path of least resistance for a five week old kitten counterpart. Weak undeveloped legs kept his adversary on the floor so there would be no air assault.

Unfortunately, his prey had thought differently. A large wicker laundry basket lay between her and the large brown paper bag. A simple leap should get her to the top of the basket and from there, careful planning and skulking would carry the day

A long wobbly run was needed to build enough momentum to crest the rim of the basket, but AWK! She forgot about those quickly growing needle claws. One wobbly leg threw off her balance, a tumble and crash drove her into the side of the basket. Since the leap was planned its execution was inevitable as was the outcome. Blasted hangnail, she seemed to hiss as she rolled onto her back in helpless dispair.

Meanwhile, the attacker decided on another ploy, creep slowly around the back of the bag and head for the kitchen where fresh kitten chow awaited his victory celebration. He ate his fill and hers too, curled up by the radiator after making certain the coast was clear, and fell deep into a kitten nap.

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