Saturday, June 30, 2007

Is that what it's for?

Kittens are full of mischief as we all know. These two, one of which is Gerttie and Damien's son, liked to play on a brown paper bag.

The bag would always be offered with a wide gapping mouth for them to crawl into. They never did. When it was paper bag time, they jumped on it and flattened it.

But every once in a while, one of the adult cats would come by and look at them in wonder. This time, I caught them staring at their mother as if she was informing them of what they should do with a brown paper bag (let's face it, cats are telepathic).

Damien, if you look to the upper right, stalked by as if he knew she was wasting her time. Sure enough, as soon as Gerttie left the room, they went back to wrestling on top of the flattened bag.

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